Star Trek: The Animated Series
1.1 | Beyond the Farthest Star | Das körperlose Wesen |
PlotWhile exploring on the outermost rim of the galaxy the USS Enterprise is pulled into the orbit of a dead star. Trapped there, the crew discovers that there is an ancient derelict pod ship trapped with them as well. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
Steve Shives S |
1.2 | Yesteryear | Das Zeitportal |
PlotSpock must travel to the past to rescue his younger self from danger. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
Steve Shives S |
1.3 | One of Our Planets Is Missing | Die gefährliche Wolke |
PlotThe Enterprise encounters a giant cloud creature that feeds on the energy of the planets that lie in its path. They determine it is heading for Mantilles, home to a Federation colony governed by former Starfleet officer Bob Wesley (featured in the TOS episode “The Ultimate Computer”). see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
1.4 | The Lorelei Signal | Das Lorelei-Signal |
PlotInvestigating a sector of space where starships have disappeared every 27 years, the Enterprise finds a race of beautiful women living on the planet Taurus II. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
1.5 | More Tribbles, More Troubles | Mehr Trouble mit Tribbles |
PlotWhile the USS Enterprise escorts two robot cargo ships carrying quintotriticale, a new seed grain, to famine-stricken Sherman’s Planet, it encounters a Klingon battlecruiser pursuing a Federation scout ship. When the Enterprise rescues the pilot, the Klingons attack with a new energy weapon and demand that the pilot be handed over to them. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
1.6 | The Survivor | Der Überlebende |
PlotPatrolling near the Romulan Neutral Zone, the USS Enterprise finds a ship carrying Carter Winston, a Federation citizen and philanthropist who has been missing for five years. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
1.7 | The Infinite Vulcan | Das Superhirn |
PlotWhile visiting the newly discovered planet Phylos, Lieutenant Sulu picks up a walking plant, called a Retlaw, and is poisoned. The alien species that inhabit the planet, who are plantlike beings, approach and save Sulu’s life, but kidnap Mr. Spock. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
Steve Shives S |
1.8 | The Magicks of Megas-tu | Das Geheimnis von Megas-Tu |
PlotWhile exploring near the center of the galaxy, the USS Enterprise is caught inside an energy/matter vortex and all her computer systems fail. A being named Lucien appears on the bridge, repairs the ship’s systems and takes the crew to explore his planet, Megas-Tu. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
Steve Shives S |
1.9 | Once Upon a Planet | Phantasie oder Wirklichkeit |
PlotThe Enterprise crew revisits the “amusement park” planet first seen in the Classic Trek episode “Shore Leave” hoping for some rest and relaxation. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
1.10 | Mudd’s Passion | Der Liebeskristall |
PlotThe USS Enterprise receives orders to arrest Federation outlaw Harry Mudd, who is accused of selling fake love crystals. Intercepting Harry on the mining colony of Motherlode, they bring him aboard the Enterprise. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
1.11 | The Terratin Incident | Die Rettungsmission |
PlotWhile observing a burnt-out supernova, the USS Enterprise picks up a strange message transmitted in a two-hundred-year-old code. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
1.12 | The Time Trap | Die Zeitfalle |
PlotWhile exploring the Delta Triangle, where many starships have disappeared, the USS Enterprise is attacked by several Klingon vessels. During the battle, they are caught in an ion storm. The Enterprise and one Klingon battlecruiser are drawn into a spacetime vortex and end up in a timeless dimension. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
1.13 | The Ambergris Element | Die Entführung |
PlotWhile exploring the water planet Argo, Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock are transformed into water breathers by the planet’s undersea inhabitants, the Aquans. In order to return to their normal selves, they must enlist the help of the Aquans to capture a giant sur-snake, whose venom holds the antidote. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
1.14 | The Slaver Weapon | Das Geheimnis der Stasis-Box |
PlotIn the shuttlecraft Copernicus, Mr. Spock, Uhura and Sulu are en route to Starbase 25 to deliver a stasis box—a rare artifact of the Slaver culture when the Kzinti intervene. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
1.15 | The Eye of the Beholder | Auf der Suche nach Überlebenden |
PlotThe disappearance of a scientific team lures the USS Enterprise to investigate near Lactra VII. The starship Ariel is located there, abandoned, with its captain having transported to the planet’s surface. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
1.16 | The Jihad | Das gestohlene Gehirnwellenmuster |
PlotThe USS Enterprise arrives at the Vedala asteroid, where Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock have been summoned to learn about a stolen religious artifact, the “Soul of the Skorr”, whose theft could ignite a galactic holy war. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
2.1 | The Pirates of Orion | Die Piraten von Orion |
PlotSpock contracts a fatal illness, and the cure can only be found with dangerous Orion pirates. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
Steve Shives S |
2.2 | Bem | Gefährliche Prüfung |
PlotThe Enterprise crew is taken captive by a race of primitives on a newly discovered planet. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
2.3 | The Practical Joker | Wüste Scherze |
PlotA strange energy field causes the Enterprise computer to play practical jokes on the crew, but the humor soon turns to danger. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
Steve Shives S |
2.4 | Albatross | Dr. McCoy unter Anklage |
PlotDoctor McCoy is arrested for allegedly causing a deadly plague which once ravaged the planet Dramia. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
2.5 | How Sharper Than a Serpent’s Tooth | Kukulkan – der Mächtige |
PlotA mysterious being threatens to destroy the Enterprise if the crew is unable to solve an ancient puzzle. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
Steve Shives S |
2.6 | The Counter-Clock Incident | Flucht aus einem anderen Universum |
PlotAn unusual spaceship pulls the Enterprise into a “negative universe” where time seems to flow backwards. see also: Wikipedia (en) & Wikipedia (de) |
series Star Trek: The Animated Series |
Steve Shives S |